Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Publicity = Success

Top 10 Tips From The Hit Book, Guerrilla Publicity
By Jill Lublin, Jay Conrad Levinson and Rick Frishman
1.Introduce yourself with a sound bite — Few people have time to listen to the full story. Use language that will grab and captivate the media, show them your star potential and make them want to move mountains to advance your career.

2. Come from the heart — To successfully promote your product or service: you must honestly believe in what you're promoting and you can't fake it.

3. Follow-up — The magic formula for getting publicity is follow up, follow up, follow up.

4. Find your uniqueness and capitalize on it — Find out what's unique about you, what distinguishes you, your product, or service from the crowd. Then, come up with clever and unusual ways to tell the world about it.

5. Headline tips — Aim for headlines that are clear, concise, and make the reader want more information. Write your headlines after you've written the story. Keep them short, no more than one line.

6. Get others to spread the word — To build a successful business, you need networks, strategic alliances, etc. to help advance your cause. Everyone you know, hear about, meeting, and do business with is a prospect for your network.

7. Speaker before groups — Speaking before groups increases your visibility, reputation, and stature in your industry. It establishes you as an authority in your field, draws media attention, and makes you more attractive to potential customers/clients.

8. Eat, sleep, and breathe publicity — Publicity never sleeps. It's an ongoing 24/7 process that never stops. Publicity accompanies you everywhere.

9. Media lists — Update your list on an ongoing basis. Unless you keep your list current, you'll end up wasting time and energy contacting people who have long gone.

10. Trade shows and special events — Trade shows, conferences and conventions are prime marketing opportunities because everyone is there to make contacts, talk shop, and do business.

Jill Lublin was also a guest on The Life Enlightenment Book Shelf  Radio Show and shared some amazing tips for authors.  AND on the show she made two special offers... one is a free gift and the other is a special deal (an amazingly special deal) for her Crash Course in Publicity.

To find out more about that free gift and super special offer, be sure to tune into the show:

Saturday, September 14, 2013


By Belinda Farrell, Author of “Find Your Friggin’ Joy”
Just mention “swimming in the ocean” and people want to jump out of their skin, relate an almost drowning story , or tell you it’s all about “not being able to see the bottom”.  Whatever it is, I can tell you that “it’s just an illusion you can overcome.” 
All my life I was afraid of water: not just ocean water but any container that held a big body of water: lakes, bays, swimming pools, water slide parks, etc.  If there was water, you can bet I’d be gone in 60 seconds in the opposite direction.  Then came advanced training in Hypnotherapy, NLP, and Huna (ancient Hawaiian healing) held on the Big Island of Hawaii — surrounded by water.   Safe in the classroom, I wouldn’t give the beautiful “water views” a second thought.
After experiencing a Higher Self Connection during a HA breathing exercise, I began to see and feel dolphins and whales entering my body.  As strange as that seems, it was uniquely pleasurable even though I was not much of a fan of either species.   Dolphins began to invade my dreamtime, teaching me how to swim.  In my dreams, I began to swim as effortlessly as a dolphin.  Upon awakening, I became obsessed to be with the dolphins.  Finally, I found a friend who would guide me into the ocean water to find them.   That was 20 years ago.  I’ve been swimming with dolphins (and whales) and guiding clients through the warm aqua blue waters to meet them for the past 16 years.
Just look at this picture and see the joyful expression on my client’s face!  She has conquered her fear of being in the ocean and expressing the absolute freedom it brings.  The illusion of the fear (false evidence appearing real) has melted away opening the door for new creative possibilities. 
Being in the frequencies of wild spinner dolphins opens your heart to unconditional love and multidimensional worlds.  Maybe it’s time for YOU to walk through that door.  Look for my August 2014 Hawaii schedule under Spiritual Journey at

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Finding Joy Through Forgiveness

Recent I spoke with an amazing woman, Carolyn CJ Jones, on The Life Enlightenment Book Shelf Radio Show.  Having spent her adult life renovating houses, cars, and boats, Carolyn CJ Jones now uses those same skills while speaking and coaching, as she gently guides others to reshape their lives, leading them from resentment and struggle to forgiveness and peace. She is qualified to teach about this topic, as she renovated herself after discovering how to forgive from nearly four decades of her own anger and bitterness. Carolyn is the author of the award-winning book, Opening the Gates of the Heart: A Journey of Healing. She currently lives north of San Francisco, where she continues her love of renovation, both of her home and while guiding others who struggle.

.Read her powerful words here:

Good morning! Happy day and may it be a day of grace for you each. I am overflowing with emotion today and want to share it. It is deep gratitude, which is coming forth as joy, so wish to discuss this and share it with you. It has to do with finding forgiveness.

 The dictionary defines joy as a very glad feeling, happiness, great pleasure, or delight. For me, joy manifests when I am at peace with myself and the world around me, and I am feeling grateful for everything. That is how I feel this morning. Joy is a place I live in most of the time nowadays. But it wasn’t always like this. Oh, no. Far from it.

 I used to be an angry and bitter person, blaming others for my misery. I lived in that space for four decades, filled with self-pity and playing the victim. I drank very heavily over all these things. Then I got sober and through the course of keeping sober, began to be less angry and bitter, especially after I became able to forgive my parents. I gradually stopped blaming others when I learned that my feelings were my responsibility.

Really?? I had no idea that was the case, that my feelings were my responsibility! I started seeing that I often did the very things for which I was angry at others, so suddenly had less to be angry at them for, and more to be responsible for how I felt about it all. Blaming went away as I learned to do a continual check of my actions and behaviors, correcting bad behavior when it occurred.

Blaming also went away when I forgave my parents for my abusive upbringing. Did I come willingly to forgiveness; did I seek it out? Not at all, yet when it gently found me, I was thrilled and found peace and freedom from that moment on.

 How did I learn to forgive? I saw my father as a wounded human being, who struck out at me because he was in so much self-pain. When I saw him in this way, I was able to have compassion for him, for his wounds. I saw my mother in the same way and after a year of reminding myself they were wounded when they were abusive, and returned to compassion, I realized one day that forgiveness had gently found me.

After that, at some point in sobriety, I began to be grateful. I think it happened a couple of years after I forgave my parents. It started with being grateful I woke up every morning and grew from there. Today, I find myself being in great gratitude for all my experiences, the easy and the difficult, as it all contains a lesson for my growth. This alone is enough reason to express joy.

Joy is intensified as I observe all the miracles around me… in nature, in others, and in myself. It is the end result of an ongoing celebration of life. It is a wonderful place to live! And it all started with forgiveness! Imagine that…

 How about you? Do you experience joy in your life? If you don’t, what is in your way? Your anger and bitterness… the blaming of others that you may do, the looking to another to provide your happiness rather than providing it for yourself? These are all things that will rob you of joy in your life. Learn to forgive another and the weight will fall from your shoulders. You will find peace and freedom and you will dance in great joy.

On September 28, CJ will be teaching a workshop in Novato, California that I highly recommend.  For more information and to register:

And to hear my interview with CJ: