Monday, March 4, 2013

Today I spoke with JJ DiGeronimo for The Life Enlightenment Book Shelf Radio Show.  Wow, what an incredible show.  JJ shared so much wisdom with us... and her book - it is a MUST READ for every woman!  To tune into today's show:

The Working Woman’s GPS: When the Plan to Have It All Has Led You Astray
by JJ DiGeronimo

Often, we don’t realize that our lives are too busy or that our choices have created more problems than we can handle until we are so immersed in our life decisions that we assume that altering direction is nearly impossible. (The Working Woman’s GPS, page 13)

What we call “detours” happen most frequently when we are overworked, over committed, or find ourselves in an undesirable situation. If these terms apply to you, consider them clues. You may be receiving clues about your next growth edge: you may need to make alternate choices, give yourself permission to let go of some things, or take time to redefine your goals and choices. Try to view these clues as messengers. (The Working Woman’s GPS, page 13)

Most women I know have enjoyed at least some of the many benefits promised by the Plan to have it All. Yet we have also found that the Plan, predefined and one-size-fits all, has left many of us overworked, over committed, and unfulfilled. In the process of trying to have it All, we lost part of ourselves. (The Working Woman’s GPS, page 97)

In this section, I suggest some small, concrete changes that will help generate the momentum to change course a little or to risk a leap into a self-designed Plan of your own choosing—a Plan that is not driven by society’s Plan, our culture, or other women’s plans. (The Working Woman’s GPS, page 97)

This is a Proven Guide for Working Women.

Are you one of the 92%* of working women who say they feel overwhelmed by their professional and personal responsibilities?

After interviewing hundreds of successful women, JJ DiGeronimo shares key lessons for a personalized and abundant journey from her book The Working Woman’s GPS.

For more information about JJ and to purchase her book: